Nationals favour new conservative party online poll of the day Read more

Nationals favour new conservative party online poll of the day Read more

The results suggest that younger voters may be leaning towards Ukip, while older voters are more likely to vote for Labour. Young people, fo007 카지노r example, are slightly less likely to approve of the way Jeremy Corbyn is bei솔레어 카지노ng treated by the British public than others, while young people are more영천출장안마 likely to be supportive of Labour than their parents. Labour also have a slight lead among young people, though it is not as strong among people under 30.

While Labour is gaining on its Conservative and Ukip rivals in recent opinion polls, the Conservatives have always been ahead among these young voters. The survey, conducted between 3.30pm and 3.50pm, was carried out by Survation,

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