Fruitlogistica 2015
FRUIT LOGISTICA covers every single sector of the fresh produce business and provides a complete picture of the latest innovations, products and services at every link in the international supply chain. It thus offers superb networking and contact opportunities to the key decision-makers in every sector of the industry.
- Fruit Logistica
- About Chile
- Chilean Fresh Fruits
- Chilean Fresh Fruit Shimpments
- Fruits from Chile
- Products at Fruit Logistica
- Fruit Committees at Fruit Logistica
- Blueberries Promotional Campaign
Fruit Logistica 2015
More than 2,600 exhibitors and 62,000 visitors attend Fruit Logistica every year, turning it into the ideal place for business of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Fruit Logistica covers every sector of fresh fruit business and is a showcase of the latest innovations, products and services at every link in the international supply chain.
From February 4th to 6th, companies of all sizes of fresh products will meet at a new version of Fruit Logistica in Berlin. -
About Chile
- With 24 free trade agreements signed with 62 countries Chile currently has free access to all major world markets, in five continents.
- Today Chile has access to trade preferences with 63.3% of the world’s population and 85.3% of the world’s GDP.
- In 2014 total exports from Chile amounted to USD 76,648 million,
- A highly educated workforce, solid macroeconomic foundations, legal guarantees for foreign investors and a solid international image are some of the key factors ensuring confidence in Chile.
Chilean Fresh Fruits
In a single decade, Chilean fresh fruit earned a name for itself as a world-class product. As a result, Chile stands now as the Southern Hemisphere’s largest shipper of fruit products.
Chile is surrounded on all sides by formidable natural barriers effectively shielding it from pest and disease. As a long country, Chile has practically all climates, from the scorching deserts of the north to the cold expanses of the south. The result is the ability to grow a wide range of quality products, including grapes, apples, cherries, blueberries, kiwifruit, plums, pears, lemons, clementines, oranges, avocados, peaches, nectarines, among others, on over 320,000 hectares stretching throughout the length of the country.
The fruit sector, encompassing over 7,800 growers and 747 exporters, ships to more than 1,700 consumers in more than 100 different countries around the world.
Key products include apples and fresh grapes, which alone account for over 59 percent of fresh fruit exports in the south hemisphere. Wide recognition of Chile as a fruit fly-free zone has greatly expanded the range of export products to other items, notably berries and citrus fruits.
As an exporter country, Chile meets all Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) standards required by world markets, as certified by recognized international institutions.
Chilean Fresh Fruit Shipments
In 2013, Chilean fresh fruit exports to the world totaled USD 4,391 million.Countries USD
MM 2009USD
MM 2010USD
MM 2011USD
MM 2012USD
MM 2013% ’13/’09 United States 1.338,6 1.579,7 1572,4 1.461,3 1.618,7 21% China 39,5 74,2 175,4 359,0 430,4 1169% Holland 253,0 273,2 337,2 350,9 201,3 70% United Kingdom 156,6 183,0 208,3 190,3 201,3 29% Brazil 49,7 71,8 87,9 122,1 144,0 190% South Korea 48,5 72,4 89,5 111,2 137,2 183% Colombia 61,4 85,4 93,8 122,2 132,8 116% Russia 81,0 114,8 123,6 104,2 128,6 59% Taiwan 74,1 102,7 112,9 107,5 106,8 44% Canada 30,9 51,6 66,5 67,6 85,9 178% Others 747,2 869,7 1.025,9 939,3 904,6 21% Total 2,880,2 3,478,4 3,893,5 3,935,7 4,391,8 52% Source: ProChile with figures of Chile’s Central Bank
(January – November 2014)Countries USD
MM 2010USD
MM 2011USD MM 2012 USD MM 2013 USD MM JAN-NOV 2013 USD MM JAN-NOV 2014 Var.%
14/’13United States 1.579,7 1.572,4 1.461,3 1.618,7 1.473,3 1.368,7 -7% China 74,2 175,4 359,0 501,2 414,6 534,9 29% Holland 273,2 337,3 350,9 501,2 414,6 534,9 29% United Kingdom 183,0 208,3 190,3 201,3 187,3 220,2 18% South Korea 72,4 175,4 359,0 501,2 414,6 534,9 29% Colombia 85,4 93,8 122,2 132,8 129,1 125,1 -3% Brazil 71,8 87,9 122,1 144,0 125,4 121,2 -3% Taiwan 102,70 112,9 107,5 106,8 100,4 115,2 15% Russia 114,8 123,6 104,2 128,6 128,4 86,4 -33% Ecuador 55,10 59,6 69,8 74,1 70,4 74,4 6% Others 866,1 1.032,8 937,1 916,7 880,0 778,5 -12% Total 3.478,4 3.893,5 3.935,7 4.391,8 4.047,7 3.964,9 -2% Source: ProChile with figures of Chile’s Central Bank
Fruits USD
14/’13Grapes 315,0 362,0 316,4 301,5 301,5 285,9 -5,2% Apples 165,4 190,4 155,1 230,2 230,2 213,5 -7,3% Berries 52,3 61,0 71,4 90,7 76,4 97,8 28,0% Avocado 64,1 54,0 75,7 112,6 90,2 97,5 8,1% Kiwifruit 83,3 89,3 91,6 110,9 110,9 78,0 -29% Pears 52,5 61,5 56,3 80,7 80,7 60,9 -24,6% Peaches & Plums 52,0 62,0 54,3 50,9 50,2 25,4 -49,4% Cherries 29,3 30,7 29,3 25,7 11,5 19,8 71,6% Citrics 17,3 9,4 12,8 11,4 11,4 12,0 4,6% Pomegranate 7,7 8,0 6,7 5,1 5,1 5,5 7,1% Figs, Persimmon and Papaya 0,1 0,2 0,4 0,3 0,3 0,3 9,3% Quince 0,2 0,1 0,2 0,1 0,1 0,1 54,3% Total 838,8 928,7 870,2 1020,2 968,6 896,6 -7,4% Source: ProChile with figures of Chile’s Central Bank
Fruits from Chile
“Fruits from Chile” is the brand name under which Chilean fruit is being promoted in generic activities, such as trade fairs and promotional export activities. It is a consistent and harmonized branding strategy for the Chilean fruit sector and its related sectors, which would reflect the image and values conveyed by the Chilean country branding project.
The brand is based on the key factors that have permitted Chile to become a world fruit export leader, the unique characteristics of the country of origin, the quality of its products and the spirit of its workers.
This is the result of an important effort between the private-public sector represented through the Chilean Fruit Exporters Association (ASOEX) and ProChile (the Chilean Promotion Bureau).
“Fruits from Chile, cultivated by dedicated hands, in the southernmost tip of the American continent along the Pacific coast, with privileged geographical and climatic conditions, all of which guarantee a quality, reliable and delicious product that represents the best of Chile and the spirit of its people”.
Chilean Fresh Fruit Association
The Chilean Fruit Exporters Association is a non-for-profit trade association, founded in 1935 and whose members represent 96.5% of the total volume of fruits exported from the country and 63.1% of total hectares planted of fresh fruit in Chile. The institution’s main objective is to facilitate the export process of fruits from Chile across the globe.
Products at Fruit Logistica
You can find the following Chilean products at Fruit Logistica Berlin:
- Grapes
- Apples
- Kiwi fruit
- Pears
- Plums
- Cherries
- Blueberries
- Citrus
- Nectarines
- Peaches
- Avocados
Fruit Committees at Fruit Logistica in Berlin
Chilean Blueberry Committee
The main objective of the Committee is to develop and to improve the blueberry industry making it more efficient and competitive in the long term and also to develop Chile’s international blueberry markets.
Chilean Kiwifruit Committee
The main objective of the committee is to increase the competitiveness of the Chilean kiwifruit in the international markets. Also improve the offer with a quality product, produced by favorable conditions for the environment and socially responsible.
Chilean Citrus Committee
The main goal of the committee is to broaden the offer of high quality, easy-to-peel, seedless citric fruits with an excellent flavour, and which comply with the strictest food safety standards. They aim to satisfy the most demanding markets and gain recognition with a product that is fresh, tasty and from a trustworthy source.
Chilean Cherry Committee
This Committee is an entity associated to the Chilean fruit Exporters Association (ASOEX). Its members are the main exporters of cherries in the country, representing 80% of the Chilean cherry exporters and growers. The Committee has the following objectives: Support efforts in opening and maintaining access to all exports markets; promote cherries from Chile, and facilitate the access to timely and relevant market information in support of its member’s activities.
Blueberries promotional campaign in Germany
This year Chilean Blueberries are getting closer to the younger Germans through Social Medias.
The Chilean Fresh Fruit Exporters Association will be part of the free app Kochmamsell, a helping tool to cook in a simple and creative way.
This app will present more than 120 blueberry recipes, available from January to March 2015.The main objective of this initiative is to show to consumers the different ways to eat and enjoy this Chilean product with information about its origin and nutritional qualities.
The campaign is also in the official web page of Kochmamsell (available for mobile devices too) with information, recipes and a contest for the best preparation. Also is available at the official Facebook page and Instagram.Kochmamsell has more than 200 downloads by day, 80.000 users and 700 thousand visits to its web page.
Bettina Stengel | Director ProChile Germany
Mohrenstrasse 42, 10117. Berlin
(49-30) 726 203730 | 726 203740