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President Bachelet launches “Foods from Chile” campaign

October 06, 2015

orgThe President said “it is through examples of joint working, such as this council, that we will build the strength we need. In fact, we can already see the results of this partnership. Because global markets present challenges and demand efforts that can only be addressed through strategic cooperation between the public and private sectors.” She emphasized, “our country could most certainly be a role model for quality for the world’s food industry.”

Foods from Chile, Source of Life disseminates the characteristics that make Chile a supplier of quality foods recognized the world over. Five key attributes are highlighted: quality, innocuity, traceability, international guarantee and natural flavor.

“Our food products continue to gain ground throughout the world and we needed a campaign that would strengthen the country’s image, unifying the story about the food products on offer, our quality as a place of origin, and the work of each link in this chain, from the small-scale rural producers to large-scale exporters,” explained Agriculture Minister Carlos Furche.

Chile’s Vice Trade Minister Andrés Robelledo added that Chilean foods are the nation’s greatest ambassadors and that this campaign “highlights the same attributes that have elevated Chile to the category of world-class exporter of quality food products and have helped it to become, for example, the world’s biggest exporter of products like fresh blueberries, grapes and cherries, prunes and dried apples.”


From Origin to Destination: The Journey of Foods”

The exhibition “From Origin to Destination: The Journey of Foods” will be open to the public between 5 and 7 October at the Plaza de la Constitución in central Santiago, allowing passersby to learn about the journey taken by Chilean food products to destinations around the world.

The attractive exhibit is composed of images, textures, colors and products and includes both businesspeople and craftspeople, allowing the public to see and understand how Chilean foods are produced in a PLACE OF ORIGIN whose sanitary and natural conditions allow them to reach DESTINATIONS under a single brand: Foods from Chile, Source of Life.

The installation will be open daily to the public from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Guides will explain to visitors the journey made by Chilean products to international markets.


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