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Agriculture Minister inaugurates Chilean blueberry and cherry promotion in major supermarket in Beijing, China

January 28, 2016

orgYesterday morning, during his third day of activities in the Chinese market, Chile’s Agriculture Minister presided over the inauguration of the promotion of Chilean cherries and blueberries in premium Beijing supermarket BHG. The objective was to raise awareness about their availability, and promote the quality, innocuity and health attributes which have made these fruits a favourite of consumers around the world.

“Chilean cherries are the best in the world; here they are so you can see for yourself,” said Minister Furche, in his speech to open a colourful and novel promotion of Chilean cherries and blueberries.

The inauguration event was attended by Chile’s Ambassador to China, Jorge Heine; the national Director of Chile’s Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG), Ángel Sartori, and the Chair of Asoex, Ronald Bown. Supermarket executives and a significant number of Chinese news media were also present.

Minister Furche emphasized that cherry exports to China in 2015 totalled some US$370 million and there are even better prospects for the year that is just getting underway. “Chile is exporting cherries and blueberries that are counterseasonal and world-renowned for their quality. It is at an advantage in terms of customs tariffs and trade is easier thanks to the FTA between the two countries, which will be 10 years old in 2016,” he said.

He added that Chile and China have very close trading relations; in fact China is Chile’s principal trading partner. “Our main exports are copper and minerals and they have suffered as a result of slightly slower growth of the Chinese economy, but our food exports continue growing and we are sure that they will continue to do so, because Chinese demand can only increase in the coming years,” he emphasized.

Meanwhile, Ambassador Heine said that although no other country in the world is geographically further way from China, “Chile has become the second biggest supplier of fresh fruit to this great country because of its Mediterranean climate, its sanitary conditions and the flavour of its fruit. As a result more and more Chinese consumers are choosing it”.

The Chair of Asoex, Ronald Bown, said that this promotion marks a new landmark in the already excellent political and commercial relations with China. “We expect to only deepen them and increase our presence in this market. In terms of volume, the cherries and blueberries are not only being sold in the large cities, but also in some smaller towns in China,” he added.

Bown explained that products are not only being shipped by sea but also by air in the first stage of the season. “Yesterday we met with China Eastern to look for a way to make journeys a combination of sea and air, not only at the beginning of the season, but throughout. This will guarantee that the products arrive in the best condition,” he explained.

Meanwhile, the director of SAG, Ángel Sartori, referred to the signing by the Agriculture Minister and AQSIQ -the Chinese equivalent of SAG-  of an extension to the agreements on electronic certification. “Today we are working with grapes and pork and with these agreements that we have signed, the number of products will be extended. This will further facilitate trade and help avoid fraud and irrregularities in electronic certification,” he concluded.

Chile’s Agriculture Minister met yesterday with his peer in China. They highlighted the joint work and the progress made in benefit of both countries. They also coordinated actions for commemorating the 10th anniversary of the FTA between the two countries.

Source: Simfruit

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